Today I was running a quick errand on campus. I decided before I left my office that I had to be quick in order to get to a class in plenty of time. So as I left the place of my errand, I was hurrying down the stairs. Now you have to understand the stairs I was hurrying down are slightly different from other stairs-- they are located in a huge curve with a railing going through the middle. Being the oh-so-safe person I am, I took the outer side (it's wider steps, more confidence for ladies in heels, like myself). As I started down the "stairs of death", they've always kinda frightened me (I can just see myself tumbling down the skidding to a halt at the front doors of the building on my face) when a young man approaches me on the inner track of the stairs. I smile, that's what we do in the South. He says, "Hey, how are ya?". I reply with a, "Hi, fine thanks". I continue on my way down.
End of story in my mind, NOT his.
He then takes this exchange as a conversation opener and decides to turn around and start walking down the stairs beside me. Remember he was originally traveling up. This stranger then says, "You look really good today". As the thought- how do you know what I look like any other day? You've never seen me before- goes through my mind, I flash a nervous smile and reply thank you and hurry on my way.
I joke when I say that I wore my intellectual glasses today, but honestly don't I at least look smarter than that? Come on, guys. Does that really work on some girls?
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I think pigs just flew...
This afternoon I was blessed by a visit from my dad. He was in town for the afternoon and called to meet me for lunch. Yay! While we were waiting on a delicious meal of shrimp and oysters, my dad told me about not being able to get in touch with someone. I told him to just text them. Recently I received my first text message from my dad on Valentine's Day-- pretty much a big deal. He grinned and said, "You're right, I should. I didn't even think of that."
After a few minutes of typing a short message, I introduced the concept of predictive text. His mind was blown by the sheer genius of text messaging! He then tells me he would "rather text than talk to people. It's the easier thing to do."
Wait! What? Hold the press-- Pigs are officially flying!
I can not tell you how many arguments have occurred in the past over the phone bill with my amount of text messages being the topic of choice. I can distinctly remember being told that there was absolutely NO reason for it!
I was so shocked, I asked him to repeat himself. Crazy! It's true. He said it. My dad has crossed over into the light. Watch out for the growing number of older adults using the technology of today!
After a few minutes of typing a short message, I introduced the concept of predictive text. His mind was blown by the sheer genius of text messaging! He then tells me he would "rather text than talk to people. It's the easier thing to do."
Wait! What? Hold the press-- Pigs are officially flying!
I can not tell you how many arguments have occurred in the past over the phone bill with my amount of text messages being the topic of choice. I can distinctly remember being told that there was absolutely NO reason for it!
I was so shocked, I asked him to repeat himself. Crazy! It's true. He said it. My dad has crossed over into the light. Watch out for the growing number of older adults using the technology of today!
Friday, February 22, 2008
uncle sam wants you... to be the angel you already are
Recently one my bests, Tabitha, introduced me to a program called Soldier's Angels. Their whole cause is Soldiers. Tabitha didn't really introduce me to the program as much as sign me up for it one day. I have now committed, with the signing up help of her, to send a letter a week and a care package once a month for the next year. Now Tabitha has a boyfriend in the huge sandbox of Afghanistan. She regularly writes him and sends packages. This could have been the reason for quickly putting my name in the sign up blank. That or just her trying to give me something to do, I'm not completely sure.
Don't get me wrong, she asked before hitting submit and everything. So this did not happen without me being completely aware. After being bombarded with the longest emails known to man from the service for a day or two, I thought a had a good idea of the program. I was strictly told not to treat the service as a dating service, and not to expect a response from my adopted soldier, and to send the stuff.
On Friday of the second week, I rushed into my office to write my letter for the week and there in my inbox was an email from an unknown sender. Being the procrastinator that I can be at times, I opened it first instead of writing my letter. To my surprise and excitement it was from my soldier! Yay! This won't be such a boring year as I thought! So now we email instead of snail mail. No postage! Yahoo!
I recommend anyone signing up for the program. It's easy and fun! What? You don't support the war? Well can't you at least support the soldiers? Yes. I think so. You don't have to like the war to be a supporter of our troops! It's our American duty... okay a little overkill I know, but you get the point.
Don't get me wrong, she asked before hitting submit and everything. So this did not happen without me being completely aware. After being bombarded with the longest emails known to man from the service for a day or two, I thought a had a good idea of the program. I was strictly told not to treat the service as a dating service, and not to expect a response from my adopted soldier, and to send the stuff.
On Friday of the second week, I rushed into my office to write my letter for the week and there in my inbox was an email from an unknown sender. Being the procrastinator that I can be at times, I opened it first instead of writing my letter. To my surprise and excitement it was from my soldier! Yay! This won't be such a boring year as I thought! So now we email instead of snail mail. No postage! Yahoo!
I recommend anyone signing up for the program. It's easy and fun! What? You don't support the war? Well can't you at least support the soldiers? Yes. I think so. You don't have to like the war to be a supporter of our troops! It's our American duty... okay a little overkill I know, but you get the point.
Monday, February 18, 2008
remember when...
Now-a-days expressing your friendship is not the same. But I have to admit I have recently

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
full circle
The phone rings. I answer with a chipper, "Yes, do you have a request for a song? I can quickly call up and put your it in to be played next." If you're wondering, no I do not work at a radio station of any type. I work in an office that just so happens to be located in a residence hall. Not just any residence hall, mind you, a FRESHMEN MALE residence hall. My co-worker, who is at the other end and next door, giggles and asks something else. She knows the exact reason for my comments. I have come to believe that directly above my office is the making of a small band, complete with bass guitar and drums. And when the musicians are out, the DJs of the group take over the entertainment. This is not the first time this has happened and definitely won't be the last. I say a quick apology to my co-workers for the noise.
Why apology for someone else's noise?
Well I have reason to believe the noise is only making a full circle back to me. I'll explain... My sophomore year my roommate and I thought we were somewhat of 'professional cloggers' and we really enjoyed showing off our skills. Meaning-- we liked to put on our wooden shoes (yes, they were once in style, I promise) and dance around the tiles floors outside our fourth floor room. After a minute or two of racket we would run into our rooms, throw the shoes in the closet and jump on the bed to act like we're watching tv. Within minutes the residents from below would rush upstairs with a look of panic on their faces. "Oh my gosh what's going on? Is everything okay? We heard a lot of noise!", they would exclaim. My roommate and I would look at them questioningly and assure them they did not hear anything. Confused they would return to their floor. A few minutes later we would be back in the hall dancing with our musical shoes to start the whole charade again.
So now it is apparent, I am being taught a lesson: Remember to be courteous of other's ears or yours will hurt later.

Why apology for someone else's noise?
Well I have reason to believe the noise is only making a full circle back to me. I'll explain... My sophomore year my roommate and I thought we were somewhat of 'professional cloggers' and we really enjoyed showing off our skills. Meaning-- we liked to put on our wooden shoes (yes, they were once in style, I promise) and dance around the tiles floors outside our fourth floor room. After a minute or two of racket we would run into our rooms, throw the shoes in the closet and jump on the bed to act like we're watching tv. Within minutes the residents from below would rush upstairs with a look of panic on their faces. "Oh my gosh what's going on? Is everything okay? We heard a lot of noise!", they would exclaim. My roommate and I would look at them questioningly and assure them they did not hear anything. Confused they would return to their floor. A few minutes later we would be back in the hall dancing with our musical shoes to start the whole charade again.
So now it is apparent, I am being taught a lesson: Remember to be courteous of other's ears or yours will hurt later.
Monday, February 11, 2008
short recount
This weekend was great! Really it was. I usually just have so-so weekends, but I have to say I feel good about this past one. Why was it so good? you ask. Well, let's recount:
Friday I got off work after working another week with quite possibly the most wonderful people in the world (sorry if I don't work you, I'm sure you're great too), then went to a Valentine's Ball. Don't be
confused I did participate in the ball as an attendee, but as a chaperone. My sister has already informed me that I should be doing what normal "Fresh Out of College People" do and not acting like an old fogie. She has it wrong though. I was NOT the youngest chaperone there and everyone was the same age for the most part aside from the fourth through sixth graders breaking it down on the dance floor. Even though my duties consisted of making sure no one got in a fight or danced too terribly close, I did happen to make it to the dance floor a few times. I'm glad to say that I have reached that time in my life where it doesn't matter all that much when kids make fun of me, which is a good thing because they were definitely laughing at my old school dance skills. Hopefully they enjoyed their night laughs and all.
After cleaning up after the dance I went to see the newly released "Fool's Gold". FABULOUS! Very entertaining with two thumbs up. Another two thumbs way up for the fact that Matthew McConaughey is shirtless for the majority of the movie. (I'm really not one of those kinds of girls that drools over guys with no shirts, but this is Matthew McConaughey, come on!) A must buy for when it comes out.
Recently I have been able to borrow a sewing machine. So I have
decided to make some clothes for myself. I figured this is something that will take up my time since I don't have to study or do homework right now. I found a pattern for a jacket and dress. The package said simple (no, that's not the brand). I also found a pattern for some pants. Now I have to pick the fabric. Wish me luck! Hopefully I have undiscovered skills with the sewing machine and my project will not end up looking like this.
Friday I got off work after working another week with quite possibly the most wonderful people in the world (sorry if I don't work you, I'm sure you're great too), then went to a Valentine's Ball. Don't be

After cleaning up after the dance I went to see the newly released "Fool's Gold". FABULOUS! Very entertaining with two thumbs up. Another two thumbs way up for the fact that Matthew McConaughey is shirtless for the majority of the movie. (I'm really not one of those kinds of girls that drools over guys with no shirts, but this is Matthew McConaughey, come on!) A must buy for when it comes out.
Recently I have been able to borrow a sewing machine. So I have

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
the skinny on the skinny...
Just as the second month of the year has started, I have noticed the push of 'skinny'. Right when some of those new year resolutions to shed a few pounds might begin to falter, you can now purchase merchandise with skinny in the name in order to remind yourself of your goals. My personal opinions:
The Skinny Jean: Enough time has passed since skinny jeans were in for them to be the hot new item again. After some thinking about purchasing a pair, I decided I like them and want them. I had some reservations though. I mean, can someone with 'not-so-skinny' legs pull off skinny jeans? We will have to see about that one. I have officially purchased my first pair and love them! (by the by... the picture featured here is NOT me... I know some of might have mistaken the legs for mine, but no)
Two giant thumbs up from me! smile

Now some might wonder how am I going to fit into these skinny jeans, Starbucks has come up with a solution for the coffee lovers. (Actually they've always had it, just now showing it off). The skinny latte. It's nothing new really just a latte with skim milk and sugar-free syrups. My personal suggestion is the skinny hazelnut and caramel latte! Excellent combination! According to the 'Nutrition by the cup' guide I keep at my desk you can but 50 calories by just switching from 2% to nonfat milk in a tall latte. Not bad, and not that big of a difference in taste. Another 2 thumbs way up!

Two giant thumbs up from me! smile

Now some might wonder how am I going to fit into these skinny jeans, Starbucks has come up with a solution for the coffee lovers. (Actually they've always had it, just now showing it off). The skinny latte. It's nothing new really just a latte with skim milk and sugar-free syrups. My personal suggestion is the skinny hazelnut and caramel latte! Excellent combination! According to the 'Nutrition by the cup' guide I keep at my desk you can but 50 calories by just switching from 2% to nonfat milk in a tall latte. Not bad, and not that big of a difference in taste. Another 2 thumbs way up!
Monday, February 4, 2008
a great weekend in a great city with a great friend
This weekend I was able to take a vacation to one the greatest cities in America. A city where you can find a Starbucks on EVERY corner. (I know that could be any place in America) A city where the color of a house is the only way to describe the home of our leader. A city with a huge mall containing no retail. A city where museums and zoos are free of admission. A city where much history has happened and much history is made. A city where cabs have no meters, just a map with prices. A city that affects every other town and suburb in the nation.
Washington, DC I have returned from DC and am now back in the real world, well my real world and no longer on vacation. For the record, I had a FABULOUS time! I flew into Baltimore on Friday morning and after waiting for the train rode down to DC. Then spent the weekend sight-seeing and catching up with Jessica. On Sunday evening I caught another train to Baltimore and then flew back to Mississippi.
Highlights of the trip:
1. Seeing Jessica
2. Lincoln Memorial
3. Holocaust Museum
4. Museum of Modern Art
5. Cheesecake Factory
6. Georgetown

I do have to say, after visiting I am oddly inspired to start jogging. Everyone does it ALL the time there! It did not matter what time of the day, there were not one, but multiple people jogging. 8 am-joggers. 7 pm-joggers. 12 pm-joggers. 2:45 pm-joggers. 1:15 am-joggers. Joggers all the time. Where do they find the energy?! I now feel rightly out of shape. Here lies my change for Lent.
**Just a memo for anyone traveling to DC and planning on seeing the Holocaust Museum:
It's intense. Very intense. Before you enter the building, there is this sign that reads:
1. Seeing Jessica
2. Lincoln Memorial
3. Holocaust Museum
4. Museum of Modern Art
5. Cheesecake Factory
6. Georgetown
7. the Beautiful weather
8. last but definitely not least.... having my camera with me at all times!
8. last but definitely not least.... having my camera with me at all times!
I do have to say, after visiting I am oddly inspired to start jogging. Everyone does it ALL the time there! It did not matter what time of the day, there were not one, but multiple people jogging. 8 am-joggers. 7 pm-joggers. 12 pm-joggers. 2:45 pm-joggers. 1:15 am-joggers. Joggers all the time. Where do they find the energy?! I now feel rightly out of shape. Here lies my change for Lent.
**Just a memo for anyone traveling to DC and planning on seeing the Holocaust Museum:
It's intense. Very intense. Before you enter the building, there is this sign that reads:
"The next time you see injustice, the next time you witness hatred, the next time you hear about genocide, Think about what you saw".
Reading it before I went in didn't mean as much as it did when I left. It really makes you think about how hate can be carried out and influence others . My challenge to myself is to not stop at thinking, I hope I will be able to better stand up for what is right. The Holocaust Museum, a very sobering experience, but one I feel everyone should experience.**
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