Don't get me wrong I love my little "blast from the past" "straight from 70's" retro apartment, but I'm desperately in need of my own washer and dryer. The pay per load is not cutting it. My dirty laundry is just too tempting when I have no money or time to sit and wait for laundry to be done. I'm more the type that likes to grab the clean clothes out of the dryer while I'm getting dressed. Not too sure the management at my apartment would appreciate me running to the dryer half dressed to grab clothes out of the dryer.
And so my hunt for a house begins. I know big step from apartment to house. But I'm not looking to own, just rent. My boss tells me it's because of my commitment phobia, but I have my reasons and that's not it. I think renting would be the smarter thing for me right now. Next year may be a different story, but this is now and renting is the route.
So far I have looked at two houses. Well, one house and a duplex. Sadly I will not be returning phone calls to either of those numbers. The first house was in my favorite part of town, Historic Downtown, and it truly hurts to know I'm taking it off my list. The house to the right is amazing. The house to the left is beautiful. The house across the street is amazingly beautiful. Then you have the actual house (duplex). sigh. A great fixer upper, but I'm looking to rent not fix up. Scratch that off the list.
Then the second house... I actually liked the house just not the location. To describe the area nicely, the house had a fenced in backyard. A fence made from chicken wire. Really? The fact that the guy showing the house wouldn't turn his BMW off and stood outside the whole time on his phone was enough to make me want to run to car. And lock the doors. Scratch that one too.
And so the hunt continues. I've made a few more calls and have more prospectives. This should be fun. I'm not looking for anything too special. Something along the lines of...

Do you think the big guy is willing to relocate? I'm sure someone would do my laundry for me there! Who do I contact to find that out? smiles
I'll keep you updated on the hunt! Happy Hunting to me!