I can feel them.
Beads of sweat are starting to form.
I can feel them. I know that's a bit nasty, but I think you should know.
Am I at the beach or outside on vacation, you ask?
I wish. To be by the pool would be refreshing. Sadly I am at work. No, I am not a glutton for punishment with my heat on. The air has decided to stop working. No big deal right? No! Today is predicted to be THE hottest yet! Yay! I literally feel like a character from that John Grisham movie set in Mississippi. I always laughed at the ridiculousness of the sweaty people in movies located in Mississippi, but honestly it's no exaggeration!
I just walked to the post office so that I could experience the true heat of the day and appreciate the coolness still left in my office. I didn't take into account the amazing cool air IN the post office, for once I wasn't hurrying to get of there. I didn't want to leave! But, to keep looking like a crazy, I did.
Wonder what other errand I can run that has air conditioning?....