The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Questioning my Gift Giving Abilities....

The guy and I have been together for at least two or three holidays now. The holidays that 'require' giving gifts are starting to worry me though...

I've always thought I've been able to pick out a thoughtful gift for another, but lately I have been proven wrong. Let me explain...

For Christmas I was so surprised to receive a beautiful necklace as a gift. 

I gave a planner and receipt catcher. 

For Valentine's Day I received more jewerly with my birthstone and crystal roses. 

I gave a blanket and card. 

hmm.... Do we see a pattern?

My sister laughs at the extreme difference of the gifts. I just feel embarrassed slightly. Well I think I have it though today. Why? Today is his birthday! I will be able to give a gift and not look silly because I will not be receiving one in return! Ha! Victory by default! 

(Question- is it really a competition though?) No...

What is the gift? Can't tell. He hasn't even gotten it yet! I'll give a hint though... Two words: Green and Deen... Can you guess??

***Update on Granny*** She talked to the doctor and they have the results.... Well, sort of. They ran the tests at the far off place that takes sooo long to process, and the results came back negative. SO, the far off place ran the tests AGAIN (ya know to double check... make sure it's not a false negative), and the results came back positive. What does this mean?? Back to square one... She will go in and have another biopsy done and start over. The dermatologist believes something is going on inside her, but that remains to be answered. So here we go again....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Paint.... Everywhere!

Last week I decided to do a little laundry. It's past time to get some clothes clean when the laundry basket is beginning to overflow. I had just gotten home from work and was more than looking forward to getting the load on and crawling into bed to relax. For some reason I was drained by the end of this day. 

As I walked into the laundry room, my phone starts to ring. I have told myself repeatedly, when you don't know the number- DON'T answer. For some reason though I always forget this mental note and continue to answer. Being a Tuesday night I probably could have guessed this phone call though- it was the Mormons. 

Oh you didn't know I was Mormon? Well-- I'm not, I'm Baptist. Quick back story- My old apartment complex housed a group of Mormon. They would frequently go around the complex sharing their beliefs and inviting people to church. Not wanting to be rude I would always talk, which in turn encouarged them to return each week. Mistake one. Then for some reason beyond me I gave them my number (not thinking they would actually call me to invite me to church) Mistake two. 

Its been a good 5 months since the last invite, but recently somehow my number has resurfaced in their ministry. A weekly invite 10 minutes before church starts on Tuesdays has begun. 

Well on this particular Tuesday I was a little grumpy. I quickly shot the invitation down with a quick, "I'm busy, sorry". Click. Mistake three. Let me explain....

I continued on with my plans of starting the laundry, wanting nothing more than to be snuggled in bed. As I started to pull the detergent down I noticed it was caught on the not-so-sturdy shelf above it. I figured there's plenty on that top shelf to hold it in place. 

Umm.... Wrong...

One second I was pulling detergent. The next thing I know there is downpour of EVERYTHING on that top shelf. What was on that top shelf? Oh, about NINE paint cans and a few boxes. 

I managed to throw my hands above my head to protect myself, but nothing could have stopped the mess that quickly followed. Once I got enough courage to slowly open my eyes from the squenched closed position they were in, I first looked to the floor. A beautiful array of colorful paint stared back at me. This is not that bad, not a big deal at all. I quickly cleaned and thought I was done. 

Thought being the main word. 

The floor was clean, now laundry... Wrong. 

What I saw next was a BIG deal.

A paint can sat upside down on top of the washer and dryer without the lid. It was positioned so perfectly that the paint easily slid down the sides of the BOTH the washer and dryer to form a huge puddle that eeked under each cleaning unit. The washer and dryer could easily be placed in the living room and not look out of place with the new paint job. 

Somehow the quick lie I told the Mormons quickly became a truth. I now in fact had something to do. 

Two hours later I finally found my bed.

Moral of the story- Don't lie, because someone or some power may just make it the truth. 

Have a Happy Weekend... Free of little white lies...

**Update on Granny** She called the doctor this week and was told the results would be in next week. So we are still patiently waiting... Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. 

Friday, February 6, 2009

On a Roll

I have to tell you about a new find. When you read this, you will think "Those have been around forever- this is nothing new". Well in the MY world these are new and a-ma-zing.

Okay, I will admit that I was introduced to them about 2 or 3 years, but did not think that they would work for me. I recently went on a trip and saw my travel companion using them. Then and there I decided I too could use them.

What am I referring to? Well, velcro rollers of course! Yes, those rollers that do not require heat or little pins to hold them in place. It had to have been a smart person to slap a piece of velcro on the outside of a roller!

Anyone with long or short hair can use these little marvels. True, shorter hair works better, but I love that I get smoother hair with a slight flip on the end without applying extra heat. Lord knows my hair can stand to have less heat applied.

Never tried the roller o' velcro? Maybe you should and you will be a believer too!

**Still waiting on a Granny update. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Never Ending Wait

I have some news to share. News that is hard to share.

My grandmother has been sick a good bit lately. During the fall she was hospitalized twice for the same symptoms. The doctors never really could narrow down the conclusions as to what exactly was causing her to pass out or lose control of her movement. They were however able to increase her meds to where she was taking 21 pills a day. Even with all the changes to her medicine, she hasn't really been feeling like herself. To add to all the drama, she has acquired this rash of some sort.

With a trip to the dermatologist, a biopsy, and a few days of waiting, an answer finally came. A week ago today we found out that my granny has skin cancer. With a little more information, but not much, this is all we know right now. The biopsies have been sent for further testing. My mom emailed me this morning to let me know that the type of cancer is called Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma. We will know next week the stage and treatment options.

Not knowing what any of this means, I have done a little research:

This type of skin cancer is not caused by the sun, actually one of the treatments involves lying in the tanning bed. I found that ironic. If caught early, it can easily be treated. Because it is a lymphoma disease though, it has the possibility of spreading to internal organs (this all depends on what type of CTCL it is). This is the part that scares me the most. My grandmother also has some sort of blood cancer, but it was caught very early on. There hasn't been much concern over this, but I hope that this does not intensify the newly discovered cancer. The literature talks about isolated patches and widespread coverage. I'm pretty sure my granny is in the widespread coverage since she has areas from the top of her head to the tops of her feet. Waiting for more information seems endless, but hopefully soon we will know more.

She is an amazing woman in that she picks the positive out of the situation. She is thankful they are not on the bottom of her feet yet and her daily pill count is down to 8.

If you are the praying type, a prayer or two would be much appreciated. Not just for my granny, but also my mom. She lost her dad to cancer 4 years ago.

I am thankful for the support that I have around me though. My friends and family are the best I could ask for. The guy has been most supportive making sure I stay calm until we know enough to get worked up over.

For this I am thankful. For the wait, I dread, but I will learn patience one of these days.

More news hopefully sooner than later.