I love my job! Have I ever mentioned that? Well, I do. This past week I was able to spend most of it in sunny San Fransisco. What was the purpose for the office outing? The National Conference on Volunteering and Service. This was a conference highlighted by the keynote speaker of Michelle Obama. We did not make the opening session to hear her speak though. I don't think I missed out though, instead of seeing the opening ceremony we went to Yosemite. No trip is complete with sight seeing of the city! Like any trip with my boss, it was four days PACKED full of stuff.
1. Landed in San Fran and rented a car. Since it was lunch, of course we went to In-n-Out for a delish burger. Never been? The time you're in California, you have to stop by and try your fries "Animal Style" YUMMY!

2. Next we drove down Hwy 1 to see the beach and a few surfers while walking along side the Pacific Ocean.
3. We made our way back into the city and crossed over the Golden Gate Bridge. No trip is complete with a walk across, so we did.
4. Onward we drove the Muir Forest to see the Redwood trees. Absolutely beautiful! (but only a taste of the next day)
5. Woke up bright and early to beat the traffic out of the city, only to find our rental car's front window busted! Yep, experiencing San Fransisco in all ways possible. We were robbed! GPS gone! My first ever 911 call went something like this:
me- "umm, I need to report a robbery. Our car was broken into and our GPS was stolen."
police responder- "Did you see it happen?"
me- "No, we just came out and the window was busted out."
police responder- "Okay"
me- "We need an officer to come write a report."
police responder- "We don't send officers out for this, you can either bring the car to a police station or register it online."
Really?! Yep, undoubtedly this kind of thing happens all the time...
6. Go back to Enterprise and get our second car and get on the road.
7. Hike up and down a mountain. See some of the most beautiful scenery ever! This hike, by the way, was no walk in the park. Imagine doing a stairmaster for TWO hours straight! My calves are still working out the soreness! All the exhaustion and soreness was worth missing Michelle Obama to see the sights we saw.
at the beginning of the hike, before the tiredness set in
view from the top of the first waterfall
view from the top of the second waterfall... totally worth it!
8. Then conference time! I was able to meet a lot of people with the same interest of promoting civic engagement and volunteerism. I was also able to bring a good bit of information back to incorporate in our program.
Overall a great week so far! Can you believe the summer is half way over?!