I know this is a given. Duh- Of course I'm my mother's daughter! Who else's would I be?! Over time this has become evidently true. Growing up I always thought 'I'm never going to be like my mom-- she's crazy!' (a good crazy though, not the crazy crazy you're probably thinking) I'm sure we've all had these thoughts about our parents or another influential grown-up. You pick something about them and decide that is something you will NEVER do or be like.
Well nothing like reality to hit you in the pants for thinking that! Last week was my mom's birthday. She decided to make a weekend of it. And not just any weekend, a weekend with me none the less. She came to town on Thursday, spent the night. Shopped Friday while I worked. We went to the Coast that night and saw the Blue Man Group at the Beau and came home on Saturday. During this trip she was able to see my life in Hattiesburg, and she could not get enough of it. Always asking questions-- something I am terribly guilty of almost all the time. Wanting to know more than I'm willing to open up to-- another something I'm guilty of-- I usually always want to know more then I should.
After her visit I was told that I'm a lot like my mom. To my astonishment my jaw dropped-- No

1 comment:
And I am my mother's son. ;)
Similar attitudes about purchases and similar personality quirks and similar builds. It's true.
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