Have you ever noticed if something is for a cause, then its a hit! There can be an ordinary green shirt. No big deal, but if you put "I'm green" on it the likelihood of it selling more will rise. I'm not

pointing my finger at anyone other than myself. Recently Southern Miss has started a "Go Green" campaign. One of the first things implemented were these nifty mugs. I know you might have seen them at your average gas station. It's a mug with a lid and it fits in your car cup holder. You can put cold and hot beverages in it (probably not at the same time... a coke and coffee eww). What makes this mug different from ALL the other mugs out there? Well my friend, this mug says "Drink to the Earth". Well if we're drinking to the earth, I must buy one! My eco-friendly drinking habits were never discovered until a mug told me to do so. Mugs like this have been sold for a very LONG time. Yet, when you stick a cause on it, its totally different. Yes, I do agree it does promote awareness having the message on the mug, so its not a total cliche. So I can and will be seen with my Drink to the Earth mug on campus drinking my coffee and lemonade. Hopefully I can remember to take it home on the weekends to continue my earth friendly drinking habit. :)
By the by my Go Green Guru, Larry Lee, has informed me though that I must drink EVERY drink out of that mug for FIVE years in order for it to benefit anything. Wow... that's a long time for one mug. I think I might have to go get another, so I can switch them out. hmmm...
ps-- check out
thehungersit.com. Feed the hunger while you shop! Most of my Christmas presents came from here and I think its safe to say my gifts were loved!
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