When I got to work the guy told me that a kitty decided to ride to work with him. He mentioned thinking he heard meowing while he drove, but thought nothing of it. Once he arrived to work, he could hear the meow coming from beneath his vehicle. He managed to look under the car and saw that a cat had crawled on the spare tire and was scared to come out. Quite honestly, if I had found a nice quiet place to sleep and then was abruptly woken by a speeding and bouncy ground flying under me, I would be a bit frightened too. There's times I'm scared when I'm buckled up in the passenger seat. Needless to say, there was no coaxing this kitty out.
The guy thought well I have to go to work, the cat will come out on its own. End of story? Not quite...
After work we walked to our cars together. Once we approached his, you could a meow. A unhappy meow. The kitty was still there! A whole day under the car in that heat! Having more time to free the kitty, we got w
ork. Once the guy had lowered the spare tire, my job was to get the cat from beneath the car. The little kitten was not having it though. A nice man walking through the lot asked if he could help. Between the two of them laying on the parking lot ground in their dress clothes, they were able to get their hands on the kitten.
What they pulled out was this: (not actually kitten, but it's almost the same)
A precious little orange calico kitten with the prettiest blue eyes. A precious little kitten that went wild when put on the ground. A precious little kitten that wasn't so precious, but actually ferral! That cat was crazy! Then it ran back under the car. Another much quicker rescue later, my job now was to hold the little animal while a box was found.
The little wild kitten was then boxed up to be taken home with the guy to his vet school bound sister. She'll know what to do with it. So now a home is needed for a very precious kitten. Any takers??
1 comment:
What an ungrateful cat...
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