The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Wheew... It's been a while since my last post. For those who wondered- Yes, I'm still alive. A lot has been going on lately, so let's do a quick recap from February (goodness!!). 

Picking back up in February... 

I last left off telling about my birthday gift for the boy.  For his day we went the Southern Miss baseball game for a little bit. We got free tickets and he LOVES baseball which makes for a perfect pair. We then went by my house to open his present. He was soo excited about the little vacay to Savannah, GA. We then went to dinner at his favorite restaurant- Outback.  That basically wraps up that month. 

On-ward March...

Work was busy as ever with the closing of our applications for our internal leadership teams. Then came on the interviews. Being the smart (insert sarcastic inflection) person I am, I decided to hold individual interviews for the group I work with. WOW! A great time to get to know the students, but it makes for a loooong day(s) which makes for a really really long week! BUT right when I wanted to hit my head against the wall Spring Break came!! Yay! 
We were Savannah bound! Interestingly enough during the forever car ride (which we broke into two days) we did not get on each other's nerves. I think that's a sign...

I managed to pick a conveniently located hotel that was perfect for walking around the city. We ate TOO much, danced in the streets, and all around had a great time! We joined in on the St. Paddy's festivities, but then also were able to see the 'normal everyday' life of Savannah once the holiday people rolled out. (sorry I can't access any pics at the moment)  I could most definitely live in Savannah! My new dream is to have a bed and breakfast there. I think the guy would go for it too!

Moving on to April...

Vacation over and back to work! April brought a lot! Easter and Relay for Life along with Live after Five. I discovered a new attraction that the city offers every August and April- Live after Five. What it this? Well- it's awesome! Every Friday during these two months starting at 5pm there is live music in a downtown park for FREE! What a great idea! Tons of people come out with their kids, or friends if they don't have kids and bring their blankets and lawn chairs to listen/dance to the music. A.MA.ZING! 

April brought both the good news and the bad. As for the bad, I ask for prayers for my family. We are going through a tough situation that is too close to home to share at the moment. So I ask for you to pray. Enough of the bad though... on with the good!

April also marked the beginning of my best friend's husband MLB career. Brent Leach was called up to play with the LA Dodgers in April! You can see more on Sara's Blog. She does a great job of keeping everyone up to date with the on-goings of their lives. Congrats to Brent and Sara!!!

In the words of Etta James, At Last... May...

Ah the home-stretch of the semester. Once May hits, you know there is hope that you will make it to the summer. I hope I'm not sounding dramatic, but there are times in the semester when the word busy does even begin to define work! 

May= relief!

And so here we are at the end of May. An eventful and whirlwind of a past few months! Where has the time gone?! My summer is pretty much planned out already too. A conference in San Fran, vacation with family on the beach, a wedding in Gatlinburg, plus work and August will be here in a blink of the eye! Oh my!