The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, October 10, 2008

B is for Birthdays and Best Friends!

This weekend marks a special occasion. Oh- you checked your calendar and all you see if Columbus Day? Well, it might not be written in on your calendar, but 28 years ago on Sunday my parents' world changed drastically when my dear sweet sister blessed us with her presence!

I love my sister! Well, that's a given. And here's why:
She always looked out for me growing up (even if I didn't see that way at the time)
She's a lot more thoughtful and concerned than she may let on.
She is HILARIOUS! Laughter is always the third party when we're together.
She married a great guy who oddly gets our family.
She will have complete conversations with me without using a single personal pronoun while speaking in a baby voice... quite the experience... it drives my friends crazy!
She lets me know when I have a bad boyfriend... so far she likes the current
The older we get, the more we are alike.
She's my best friend!

Happy Birthday Sweet Sister!

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