The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. --Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, February 28, 2008

an act of randomness

Today I was running a quick errand on campus. I decided before I left my office that I had to be quick in order to get to a class in plenty of time. So as I left the place of my errand, I was hurrying down the stairs. Now you have to understand the stairs I was hurrying down are slightly different from other stairs-- they are located in a huge curve with a railing going through the middle. Being the oh-so-safe person I am, I took the outer side (it's wider steps, more confidence for ladies in heels, like myself). As I started down the "stairs of death", they've always kinda frightened me (I can just see myself tumbling down the skidding to a halt at the front doors of the building on my face) when a young man approaches me on the inner track of the stairs. I smile, that's what we do in the South. He says, "Hey, how are ya?". I reply with a, "Hi, fine thanks". I continue on my way down.

End of story in my mind, NOT his.

He then takes this exchange as a conversation opener and decides to turn around and start walking down the stairs beside me. Remember he was originally traveling up. This stranger then says, "You look really good today". As the thought- how do you know what I look like any other day? You've never seen me before- goes through my mind, I flash a nervous smile and reply thank you and hurry on my way.

I joke when I say that I wore my intellectual glasses today, but honestly don't I at least look smarter than that? Come on, guys. Does that really work on some girls?

1 comment:

Samantha said...

haha, i love your stories.